
A. Molotkov

That skill of memory that gets

the dead moving, animates 
their lips, lungs, vocal chords, undoes

the damage to the heart, 

liver, kidneys, clears
clogged arteries. The dead 

repeat themselves so we

may never escape
remembering; they stare 

as if they don't know what 

happens. I don't believe 
in souls, just in the dead

floating among us with their

reasons for having
been, for still 

being here. 

A. Molotkov is an immigrant writer. His poetry collections are The Catalog of Broken Things, Application of Shadows, Synonyms for Silence and Future Symptoms. His memoir A Broken Russia Inside Me and his novel A Slight Curve are forthcoming; he co-edits The Inflectionist Review. His collection of ten short stories, Interventions in Blood, is part of Hawaii Review Issue 91; his prose is represented by Laura Strachan at Strachan Lit. Please visit him at