Everything in this Poem Really Happened

Taylor Franson-Thiel

I ask my brother for the first line of a poem and he says

A flower is like blank.
It’s your job to fill in the blank.

And all I can think of is
a flower is like

the blood clot in his arm,
blooming a deep vein thrombosis

Purple and yellow petals in the crook of his

He is 22. 

Too young for funeral bouquets.
Yet growing them himself.

Taylor Franson-Thiel is a poet from Utah, now based in Fairfax, Virginia. She received her Master’s in creative writing from Utah State University and is pursuing an MFA at George Mason University. Her writing frequently centers on the intersections between the female body, religion, and her experiences as a college athlete. You can find her work in places such as Psaltery and Lyre, Quarter Press, The Bangalore Review and others. Along with writing, she enjoys lifting heavy weights and reading fantastic books.